063-1 Roseville Police Department............................................................................................. 1,800.00
Support for Citizens’ Corps – emergency responders
063-2 Amicus......................................................................................................................... 1,000.00
Ramsey County Girls on Probation program
063-3 SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development.................................................................... 2,500.00
2 residencies for 360 students at Parkview Center School
063-4 Resources for Child Caring............................................................................................... 1,250.00
Development of child care resources
063-5 Roseville Seniors at Home............................................................................................... 2,500.00
Living at Home/Block Nurse Program – operating funds
063-6 Church of Corpus Christi.................................................................................................... 250.00
Student recognition of community service and academic achievement
2006 Roseville Senior Parent Association........................................................................... 1,000.00
2006 RAHS Senior Party
............................. TOTAL AMOUNT APPROVED .................................................... $10,300.00
064-1 North Suburban Golden K Foundation..................................................................................... 2,500.00
2006 Rose Parade
064-2 Minnesota State Fair Foundation................................................................................................. Denied
General operating support
064-3 Parkview Center School........................................................................................................... Withdrew
Travel Expenses to Knoxville, TN for Destination Imagination team competition
064-4 Edgerton Elementary School...................................................................................................... 2,500.00
Computer PowerPoint equipment
064-5 Store to Door............................................................................................................................ 2,500.00
Grocery shopping and delivery for homebound
064-6 Roseville Area Senior Program................................................................................................... 2,500.00
Updating senior program brochure and distributing educational booklet
TOTAL AMOUNT APPROVED ........................................................................... 10,000.00
071-1 Bridging, Inc. 2,500.00 2,500.00
Opening Roseville warehouse to provide furniture
for needy families
071-2 Central Park Elementary School 2,500.00 withdrew application
Monthly classroom visits to Harriet Alexander Nature Center
071-3 Northern Voices (school for the deaf) 2,500.00 postponed for further review
Matching grant for tuition assistance
071-4 Emmet D. Williams Elementary School 1,100.00 1,100.00
Dance system for phy ed classes
071-5 League of Women Voters of Minnesota 2,000.00 2,000.00
Education Fund – for local chapter Video and
informational instruction to encourage and assist voters
071-6 Family Institute for Creative Well-Being 2,500.00 temporarily withdrawn
Support classes for families with disabilities or
life-threatening illnesses
071-7 Harriet Alexander Nature Center 2,500.00 2,500.00
Recycling old boardwalk
TOTAL $15,600.00 $8,100.00
072-1 Keystone Community Services 2,500.00 2,500.00
Support for food shelf
072-2 Early Childhood Family Education Program 1,185.00 1,185.00
Literacy materials for parents with new babies
072-3 Friends of Roseville Parks 2,500.00 2,500.00
Large playground apparatus for Dale Street location
(Central Park)
072-4 North Suburban Chorus 2,500.00 2,500.00
Musical presentations to senior housing residences
072-5 Emmet D. Williams Elementary School 2,500.00 2,500.00
Environmental education trip
072-6 Roseville Area High School 2,500.00 2,500.00
Darfur awareness project
072-7 Edgerton Elementary School 2,500.00 2,500.00
School of Excellence T-shirts and celebration
072-8 Harambee Elementary School 2,000.00 Hold pymt until Spr 2007
Environmental learning trip
072-9 Northwest Youth & Family Services 2,500.00 2,500.00
Healthy relationships group
072-10 Youth Audiences of Minnesota 2,500.00 2,500.00
Arts education programs for Roseville schools
072-11 Parkview Center School 1,000.00 1,000.00
Spanish culture program including jazz band instruction
072-12 Roseville Area Middle School 2,500.00 2,500.00
Competitive cheer team