Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly: $2500.00
Roseville FireBears Robotics Team: $2500.00
North Suburban Chorus: $2500.00
Oval Lumination: $2500.00
Kids in Need Program: $2,500.00
NYFS Unity Center: $2,500.00
RAHS Quantum Program: $2500.00
RAHS Living your own English Learner: $465.00
RAHS: Multicultural Festival: $2,500.00
Girls on the Run: $2,500.00
Inspire Young Leaders: $2,000.00
RAHS English 9 Cohort Class: $1,250.00
Roseville Area High School Jazz Bands: $2,000.00
Little Canada Elementary Chess Club: $615.42
Ramsey County Sheriff’s Foundation: $2,500.00
Rose Fest Parade: $1,000.00
Fishing for Fun: $2,500.00
Roseville Area Senior HS Party: $2,500.00
Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra: $1,500.00
Keystone Food Shelves: $2,500.00
RAHS- EL Science in Action: $2,350.00
RAHS-EL Guided Reading: $2,500.00
Roseville Area Middle School Guthrie Trip: $1605.00
RAHS Speech Team Summer Camp: $2,500.00
Roseville Senior Program: $2000.00
Gibbs Farm: $2000.00
Oval Lumination: $2500.00
Friends of the Ramsey County Libraries Summer Reading Program: $2500.00
Tubman: $2000.00
Roseville School Social workers: $500.00
Little Canada Elementary PTA Bridges Program: $2,000.00