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083-1                Roseville Area Middle School                                                 2,099.00               Tabled till June mtg.

                              Elliptical equipment for phy educ class

083-2                Parkview Center School                                                          2,500.00               Tabled till June mtg.

                              Musical instruments

083-3                Roseville Area High School Gymnastics                                    2,004.00               2,004.00

                              Landing mats

083-4                Roseville Area High School Cantus Certus                                2,500.00               2,500.00

                              San Francisco tour expenses

083-5                Roseville Area High School Latino Club                                   1,100.00               1,100.00

                              Mural, dance groups & club shirts

083-6                Emmet D. Williams School                                                    1,934.00               1,934.00

                              Read Naturally materials

083-7                Roseville Area Schools School Readiness Program                        340.00               340.00

                              Smoke detectors and safety awareness training

083-8                Little Canada Elementary School                                              2,500.00               2,500.00

                              “Responsive Classroom” training

083-9                Roseville Area High School Science Dept                                  2,400.00               2,400.00

                              LabQuest data collection devices and attachments

083-10               Roseville Area Girls Fastpitch Softball Assoc.                            2,500.00               2,500.00

                              Ball equipment and clinic enrollment

083-11               Twin Cities Osprey Project                                                     1,135.00               1,135.00

                              5 Roseville sites, pole & tripod

083-12               Women’s Life Care Center                                                      2,500.00               2,500.00

                              Car seat program and parenting training


083-13               North Suburban Golden K Foundation                                      2,500.00               2,500.00

                              2008 Rosefest Parade

083-14               Amicus                                                                                1,000.00               Tabled till June mtg.

                              RADIUS program for girls

083-15               SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development                           2,500.00               2,500.00

                              Residency program at Parkview Center School

083-16               Roseville Senior Parents Assoc.                                               1,000.00               1,000.00

                              2008 RAHS Senior Party


                              TOTAL AMOUNT                                                28,012.00                    22,413.00


083-1                Roseville Area Middle School                                                 2,099.00                        1,100.00

                              Elliptical equipment for phy educ class

083-2                Parkview Center School                                                          2,500.00         deferred to Sept mtg

                              Musical instruments

083-14               Amicus                                                                                1,000.00                           200.00

                              RADIUS program for girls

084-1                Roseville Area Schools                                                           1,000.00                        1,000.00

                              School supplies for needy students

084-2                Fairview Alternative High School                                             2,000.00                        1,000.00

                              Phy Ed equipment for activity room

084-3                Store to Door                                                                        2,500.00                        1,200.00

                              General operating support (58 Rsvl residents)

084-4                League of Women Voters – Roseville et al                                 2,476.00                        1,000.00

                              7,000 flags for Rosefest Parade

084-5                Roseville Area Senior Program                                                2,500.00                        2,500.00

                              Outreach and communications

084-6                Student Volunteer Foundation                                                    500.00                                -0-

                              Service-learning project – Roseville H.S.

084-7                Resources for Child Caring                                                      2,500.00                           900.00

                              Child care resource and referral service

TOTAL Grant Requests                                                                           $19,075.00                      $8,900.00




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083-2                Parkview Center School                                                          2,500.00               500.00

                              Musical instruments (report on Opus Fndtn proposal)

091-1                Bridging, Inc.                                                                       2,500.00               2,500.00

                              Operating Support

091-2                Friends of Roseville Harriet Alexander Nature Center                   2,500.00               2,500.00

                              Wild Rice Festival

091-3                Little Brothers/Friends of the Elderly                                        2,500.00               2,500.00

                              General operating support

091-4                Roseville Area Middle School                                                 2,500.00               2,500.00

                              Water instruction project

091-5                Roseville Area Schools                                                           2,500.00               denied

                              Destination Imagination Tournament in TN

091-6                Minnesota ACORN                                                               2,500.00               denied

                              Foreclosure prevention counseling

091-7                Two Rivers Chorale                                                               2,500.00               denied

                              MN 150th birthday choral program

091-8                Walker West Music Academy                                                  2,000.00               1,000.00

                              General operating support for African American music school                              _______


                              TOTAL                                                                                                       $11,500

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